If you’re looking to grow your YouTube channel quickly and effectively, YouTube Shorts is the way to go. With their rapid rise in popularity, creators are finding innovative ways to leverage Shorts to reach new audiences and gain subscribers. Here are the top tips for using YouTube Shorts to boost your subscriber count and make your content stand out.

  1. Align your YouTube Shorts with your channel’s niche and viewers. Example: If your channel is about fitness, create Shorts featuring quick workout tips or exercises.
  2. Keep them short. 30-35 seconds seems to be optimal.
  3. The first frame matters the most.
  4. The time you post is the very important.
  5. Research viral Shorts in your niche and note the themes, edits, pacing, text, and music. Example: Study successful fitness Shorts to see if they use catchy music, fast cuts, or on-screen text.
  6. Reverse engineer ideas that would be interesting to the majority of your niche. Example: If people in the fitness niche enjoy workout challenges, create a 30-day workout challenge Short.
  7. Utilize trend surfing to boost views. Example: Create a Short about a trending fitness challenge or a popular celebrity workout routine.
  8. Spend extra time on scripting and editing for YouTube Shorts. Example: Write a concise script and edit your Short to make it visually appealing and easy to follow.
  9. Post at the right time based on your audience’s activity. Example: If your fitness audience is most active at 6 PM, post your Short around that time.
  10. Don’t delete or private videos that don’t perform well initially. Example: If your workout Short doesn’t get many views at first, leave it up, as it may gain traction later.
  11. Use capitalization, emojis, and hashtags in your video titles. Example: Title your video “🔥 5-Minute AB BLASTER Workout 💪 #FitnessShorts.”
  12. Improve watch time, engagement rate, and click-through rate with high-quality content. Example: Create engaging and well-produced workout Shorts that encourage viewers to watch the entire video.
  13. Collaborate with other creators in your niche. Example: Partner with a yoga instructor to create a Short about combining yoga and strength training.
  14. Take advantage of YouTube Shorts’ algorithm to boost views and engagement. Example: Use popular fitness-related hashtags and create visually engaging thumbnails for your Shorts.
  15. Use trending sounds and hashtags, create engaging thumbnails, and make attention-grabbing content. Example: Incorporate a viral song into your workout Short and use a thumbnail that shows the exercise intensity.
  16. Use analytics to track your channel’s performance and make data-driven adjustments. Example: Analyze the performance of your Shorts and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  17. Increase watch time by looping your shorts. Example: Create a loopable workout Short that seamlessly repeats to keep viewers engaged.
  18. Add captions or subtitles to your shorts. Example: Include subtitles to make your workout instructions accessible to viewers who are hard of hearing.
  19. Delete and repost a short to re-kickstart its performance. Example: If your Short is underperforming after a few weeks, delete and repost it to give it a fresh start.
  20. Leverage successful formats for your shorts. Example: If list-style workout Shorts are popular, create your own list-style fitness Short.
  21. Use trending music in your shorts. Example: Incorporate a popular song into your workout Short to make it more engaging and relevant.
  22. Utilize the “remix” feature to add music to your shorts. Example: Use the remix feature to overlay a trending song onto your workout Short.
  23. Implement the SQL strategy to reuse successful titles. Example: If “10-Minute Full-Body Workout” is successful, create another Short titled “10-Minute Fat-Burning Workout.”
  24. Create shorts that evoke strong emotions like anger for better performance. Example: Create a Short exposing common fitness myths that frustrate viewers.
  25. Respond to every comment to increase engagement. Example: Interact with viewers by replying to their comments and questions on your fitness Shorts.
  26. Create shorts around trending topics. Example: Make a Short about a fitness challenge that is currently trending on social media.
  27. Use the “For You” page to find inspiration for your shorts. Example: Browse the “For You” page to discover popular fitness topics and create Shorts based on them.
  28. Use relevant hashtags to increase discoverability. Example: Use hashtags like #FitnessShorts, #WorkoutChallenge, and #HomeWorkout in your video description.
  29. Collaborate with other creators to cross-promote your shorts. Example: Partner with a nutritionist to create a Short about post-workout meals and promote each other’s channels.
  30. Use eye-catching thumbnails to attract clicks. Example: Create a thumbnail that highlights the most intense part of your workout Short to grab viewers’ attention.
  31. Include a call-to-action in your shorts to increase engagement. Example: Ask viewers to like, comment, and subscribe at the end of your workout Short.
  32. Use humor to make your shorts more shareable. Example: Incorporate funny moments or jokes into your workout Short to make it more entertaining.
  33. Keep your shorts under 60 seconds to optimize for the Shorts shelf. Example: Create a quick and effective 45-second workout Short to fit within the Shorts shelf time limit.
  34. Use trending memes in your shorts. Example: Reference a popular meme during your workout Short to make it more relatable and engaging.
  35. Use emojis to add personality to your shorts. Example: Add emojis to your video title or description to make it more eye-catching and relatable.
  36. Use the “pin comment” feature to increase engagement. Example: Pin a comment asking viewers what workout they’d like to see next to encourage more interaction.
  37. Use YouTube Shorts analytics to track your performance. Example: Regularly check your analytics to monitor your Shorts’ performance and make data-driven decisions.
  38. Create short series to keep viewers engaged. Example: Start a “30 Days of Fitness” Short series to encourage viewers to follow along and subscribe.
  39. Use interesting transitions to make your shorts stand out. Example: Add creative transitions between different exercises in your workout Short to make it more visually appealing.
  40. Experiment with different video effects to add variety to your shorts. Example: Use slow-motion or time-lapse effects in your workout Short to showcase different aspects of the exercises.
  41. Use the YouTube Shorts camera to create unique content. Example: Use the Shorts camera to create a fun, vertical workout Short with in-app editing tools.
  42. Enhance your shorts with stock footage. Example: Add stock footage of beautiful outdoor locations to your workout Short for added visual interest.
  43. Use a tripod or stabilizer for smoother shots. Example: Use a tripod during your workout Short to keep the camera steady and improve video quality.
  44. Use YouTube Shorts ads to promote your content. Example: Run a Shorts ad campaign to introduce your workout Shorts to a larger audience.
  45. Consider the size of the niche and the type of content you’re creating. Example: If the fitness niche is large and diverse, tailor your Shorts to a specific sub-niche, like home workouts.
  46. Choose a popular topic to talk about within your niche. Example: Create a Short about the benefits of HIIT workouts, a popular fitness topic.
  47. Use VidIQ to research and compare search volume for different topics. Example: Use VidIQ to determine if “HIIT workouts” or “strength training” is more popular in your niche.
  48. Post frequently to increase the chances of your videos being seen. Example: Aim to post new workout Shorts multiple times per week to keep your audience engaged and attract new viewers.
  49. Engage with your audience through comments, likes, and shares to build a community. Example: Respond to comments on your workout Shorts, like positive feedback, and share your Shorts on social media platforms to foster a sense of community.