Let me guess, you’re trying to setup MySQL replication and you end up with errors like the following:

  • ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: protocol version mismatch
  • ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: ASN: bad other signature confirmation
    • Mismatch is usually because you’re trying to authentication with your client certificates. Using the –ssl-ca flag is sufficient.
      mysql -utransmed_app -p --ssl-ca=/etc/mysql-ssl/chain-cert.cer -h dest.example.com

      You MUST use a chain cert.

  • ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘example.com’ (111)

This example was done with Percona Server 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Comodo Certificates.

Some MySQL selections don’t support the PKCS#8 format.


This occurs when keys are generated with OpenSSL 1.0+. To fix this issue you simply convert the key to PKCS#1 format:

openssl rsa -in pkcs8-key.pem -out pkcs1-key.pem

You should now see:


Keep in mind you can’t just simply insert “RSA” into the PKCS#8 format. It won’t work! They’re different formats altogether. You can verify the certs/keys:

openssl verify -CAfile ca-cert.pem server-cert.pem client-cert.pem

Additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure both servers have SSL enabled. Make sure the master_ssl_ca has the entire CA chain or it won’t work!
    # /etc/my.cnf
    ssl-ca                 = /etc/mysql-ssl/chain-cert.pem
    ssl-cert               = /etc/mysql-ssl/STAR_example_net.pem
    ssl-key                = /etc/mysql-ssl/wildcard-cert.pem
    mysql> show variables like "%ssl%";
    | Variable_name | Value                                                 |
    | have_openssl  | YES                                                   |
    | have_ssl      | YES                                                   |
    | ssl_ca        | /etc/mysql-ssl/COMODO-chained.pem |
    | ssl_capath    |                                                       |
    | ssl_cert      | /etc/mysql-ssl/STAR_example_net.pem                  |
    | ssl_cipher    |                                                       |
    | ssl_crl       |                                                       |
    | ssl_crlpath   |                                                       |
    | ssl_key       | /etc/mysql-ssl/wildcard-cert.pem                  |
  • If you run into this error: “Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository” you just need to run “RESET SLAVE;”
  • Make sure your firewalls have Port 3306 (or whatever port you’re using) open.
  • Make sure secure_auth is on:
    show variables like "secure_auth";
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | secure_auth   | ON    |
  • Make sure you’re granting the correct permissions:
    GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO slave_user@slave.example.net IDENTIFIED BY 'SecretPassw0rd' REQIURE SSL;
  • You should have master_ssl set to 1:
     change master to 